Why Flashers Catch More Salmon

Why Flashers Catch More Salmon

Why Flashers Catch More Salmon

Our spinners are designed to be trolled behind a salmon flasher. It makes sense to explain “Why Flashers Catch More Salmon”.

Flashers catch more salmon every year than any device or other setup on the market. The secret lies in the mechanisms salmon use to find their prey. Salmon, like other fish, have five sensing mechanisms they use to find their prey. Sight, smell, sound, lateral line vibration sensors and electro sensor cells which can detect nerve pulses from baitfish. The lateral line is by far the most important of these. Along a salmon's side and on top of his head he has rows of nerve cells that can sense vibrations in the water.

When a school of baitfish swim above a salmon he knows exactly where they are even though he cannot see them. He can sense the vibrations of their wiggling tails as they swim. He can also detect stronger vibrations made by larger fish as they attack baitfish. If you watch the action of a flasher in the water its tail kick closely duplicates the swish swish of a salmon's tail as he attacks.

Salmon sense this from as far away as thirty or forty yards and will immediately charge in the direction of the flasher. Like a magnet, the flasher has pulled salmon to your spinner. This is the flasher secret. It pulls salmon to your boat. You may catch them on the setup behind the flasher or you may catch them on other lures fished above or to the side of the flasher. No other device offers the lateral line attraction of a well designed flasher with its strong tail kick.

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